Biotope aquaristics
A biotope aquarium is the term used to describe aquariums that have been designed to replicate as accurately as possible a habitat that occurs in the wild.
The term can include freshwater as well as saltwater aquariums.
When designing the design, research is carried out as precisely as possible in order to get as close as possible to the factors found in nature. One tries to create a natural habitat. Plants and animals should correspond to the habitat given in nature. The entire design aims to recreate a specific body of water, or part of a body of water.
To do this, you should ask yourself the following questions:
~ For which animal species should a biotope be built?
~ Which body of water do the desired animals come from?
~ What soil is found in the body of water?
~ What about the landscape? Is it rocky or woody?
~ What plants grow in the body of water?
~ What are the water values, for example the PH value or the hardness of the water?
~ Is the body of water with a lot of current or little current?
~ What type of body of water does the body of water to be recreated belong to? Black water, clear water or white water?
~ Are there any fallen leaves or branches on the banks of the water?
~ What are the lighting conditions like? Is it shaded by trees or is the water strongly colored by humic substances? Or is it a sun-drenched, clear-water stream?
Do good detective work and research as best you can. Use photos, reports and videos to help you. Look at underwater or satellite images. Soak up everything you can find about your biotope project.